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OBIO launches first Early Adopter Health Network in Ontario

The Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO®), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing health technology innovation and commercialization in Ontario, announce today’s launch of the province’s first-of-its-kind Early Adopter Health Network (EAHN). The EAHN is a network of health organizations that get leading-edge technologies into the health system.

Reviewing the 2020 Niagara Investment Summit – Day 2: A Fireside Chat with David Skok

A busy Day 2 at the 2020 Niagara Investment Summit concluded with a fireside chat with David Skok, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Logic and OBIO CEO Gail Garland.

Mr. Skok spoke about how he was influenced by Clay Christensen, an American academic and business consultant who developed the theory of disruptive innovation and whom Mr. Skok met while he was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. The theory states that disruptive innovations tend to be produced by outsiders, such as entrepreneurs in start-ups, rather than existing companies, a recognizable concept to many in the audience.

Much like the approach he took in founding The Logic and its approach to writing stories about innovation across industries, Mr. Skok said a disruptive innovator must go against the grain and make courageous choices.

Reviewing the 2020 Niagara Investment Summit – Day 2: Jeff Karp Keynote Address

Dr. Jeff Karp, a Professor of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, began the second day of the Summit with an inspiring breakfast keynote about innovation.

Dr. Karp knows a thing or two about innovation – he is at the forefront of an emerging scientific discipline called bioinspiration where scientists and designers look to the natural world to solve medical and industrial challenges.

During his presentation, Dr. Karp spoke about the importance of collaboration with people from different disciplines. “Innovation happens at the interface of disciplines,” he said.

Reviewing the 2020 Niagara Investment Summit – What were you saying?

The 2020 Niagara Investment Summit was a success and it’s not just OBIO’s opinion. Summit attendees agreed. Here’s a sample of what people were saying:


Thanks to two of our Partners Montreal InVivo and Stem Cell Network.


Company presentations – providing a great sense of the most promising health science innovations.

Robert Ritlop.PNG

Networking and smiles!


Astronaut endorsement!


An insightful panel. Thanks to the participants.


A perfect way to end Day 2.


Reviewing the 2020 Niagara Investment Summit – Day 2: Dr. Dave Williams Keynote Address

Dr. Dave Williams, record-breaking Astronaut, Aquanaut, MD, hospital CEO and Leadership Expert, presented to a jam-packed room of 100+ people, encouraging the gathered group of scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and industry leaders to make the impossible possible, whether it is in the space program or another more earth-based environment. Dr. William’s inspirational stories and videos documenting his space walks and space missions illustrated how to successfully embrace and manage risk.

The presentation received a standing ovation and the Summit attendees headed back to their afternoon session with renewed inspiration and purpose.

Dr. Williams’ lesson for all of us from space: “There are no lines demarcating countries, making it clear that despite different cultures and languages, we are all in this together.”

Future of Health Care in Canada: OBIO Investment Summit Connects Global Investors, Leading-Edge Health Companies

Last week, 43 of the most promising companies in the Canadian health science industry came together at the OBIO Niagara Investment Summit, where they showcased their innovations to over 40 investors from across North America and Japan to pave the path to the investments needed to fully commercialize products.

OBIO’s “Project Management Essentials for Every Health Science Entrepreneur” Event in Review

On October 24th, OBIO hosted “Project Management Essentials for Every Health Science Entrepreneur” led by Ashwini Bhaskar who shared from his 20 years of experience. The purpose of the workshop was to introduce basic project knowledge and common terminology, to provide insights into where to go for more information and provide some simple take-aways that could be used immediately.