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KA Imaging’s SpectralDR™ dual-energy X-ray detector shown to improve confidence in non-radiological environments

KA Imaging’s dual-energy technology (branded as SpectralDR™) has been shown to improve reading efficiency in non-radiological environments. The study “Added diagnostic value of portable dual-energy chest X-ray in a non-radiological reviewing environment” was presented as an education exhibit at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2022 meeting.

Presented by radiologist Dr. Patrik Rogalla and Dr. Karim S. Karim, CTO of KA Imaging, the research surveyed 9 international reviewers on 28 portable X-rays. The readers had a variety of experience levels – students, residents, attending physicians and a fellow. No history was provided.

KA Imaging is an OBIO® member and presented at the OBIO® Investment Summit.