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A Health Industry for a Healthy Canada OBIO® Annual Public Meeting 2021

On November 15, OBIO® hosted Dan Breznitz as the keynote speaker for OBIO’s 2021 Annual Public Meeting. Dan is an award-winning author, speaker and educator, and one of the world’s most renowned authorities of innovation policies and economic growth. Dan addressed some of the most compelling and thoughtful topics from his book “Innovation in Real Places, Strategies for Prosperity in an Unforgiving World”.

Dan is an award-winning author, speaker and educator, and one of the world’s most renowned authorities of innovation policies and economic growth.

OBIO® would like to thank Dan Breznitz for his enlightening presentation on innovation capacity, economic growth and the policy change that must happen to build a “A Health Industry for a Healthy Canada”.

Dan also answered audience questions on the opportunity for Canada’s health science industry, including building capacity for different stages of innovation, alternative financing options, and how culture and trust impact our ecosystem.

A video recording for this event is now available on the OBIO® Member Portal.