Advanced Code injection

Engineering and Computer Science Professionals Ready for the Health Science Industry

Finding a new hire for your health science company with the mix of technical skills and industry experience is always a challenge.

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Right now, OBIO has 18 highly-skilled, health science industry-ready engineering professionals that recently completed OBIO’s Health to Business Bridge (H2BB) Bootcamp and are available to start immediately.

Created in response to industry demand for skilled professionals with engineering and computer science backgrounds, OBIO’s H2BB Bootcamp has prepared job seekers for the health science industry in areas like:

-         Design Control – Concept to Product Commercialization

-         Project Management and Risk Management Fundamentals

-         Fundamentals of QMS and GMP

Send OBIO a job description and OBIO will match you with candidates who have the right mix of technical skills and industry-readiness you are looking for.

Accelerate your company’s success by hiring one of these highly sought-after professionals.

Send OBIO your job description today to Adam Khan at