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Apply for Springboard’s 2019 Health Hub: Life Sciences - Deadline March 8th

Springboard’s Health Innovation Hub is a program for women-led life science and digital health companies seeking seed and growth funding and expert connections. Selected companies will be matched with a team of relevant, targeted advisors and participate in several in-person and virtual workshops and presentation sessions throughout the year that provide exposure to influencers, active investors, and potential strategic partners.

Application deadline is Friday, March 8th, 2019. Click here to apply online.

Through this program, Springboard will support 10-15 women-led life science companies seeking resources and connections to scale. The criteria for your reference: 

  • Company must have a woman in senior management with an equity stake

  • Company must be in the broadly defined pharma space, including but not limited to: small molecule therapeutics, biologicals, companion diagnostics, drug delivery devices, genomics, personalized medicine, treatments for rare diseases, or other related industries

  • Company is raising capital within the next 18 months

  • Company has impressed or intrigued you enough to recommend we take a look

 Click here for more information on the Health Innovation Hub program for 2019