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Hamilton Health Sciences & IBM Innovation Exchange: Upcoming Call for Proposals

The Access

Hamilton Health Sciences & IBM's innovation exchange provides innovators – research scientists, industry & academic partners, start-ups and scale-ups – with technologies they otherwise would not have access to, to advance the pursuit of solutions to challenges in healthcare.

Areas of Focus

  • Smarter workflow
  • Patient engagement
  • Decision support
  • Predictive care
  • Managing care closer to home
  • Cognitive and knowledge synthesis


  • Clinical or business value
  • Clinician or administrative staff demand
  • Demand in the market/commercial viability
  • Partner available to invest in the prototype
  • Not too complex or provided in Hospital Information System
  • Alignment with HHS-IBM goals

Throughout the year, Innovation Exchange will issue calls for project proposals from our innovation community. Check their website soon for a call for proposals in Winter 2018.