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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS to Meet with Motorola Solutions Venture Capital

Waterloo - April 6-7, 2017

Motorola Solutions Inc. – Third Scouting Mission - Canada, Spring 2017

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service in Chicago has organized an opportunity to present and pitch your company to Motorola Solutions Inc (MSI) and Motorola Solutions Venture Capital (MSVC). 

Motorola Solutions Inc (MSI) is a Chicago-based data communications and telecommunications equipment company, ranked 363 of the Fortune 500 companies. Motorola Solutions’ core markets are in public safety government agencies and commercial enterprises. MSI is an industry leader in areas that include public safety communications from infrastructure to applications and devices such as radios as well as task-specific mobile computing devices for enterprises.

If you need seed or series A financing and are a company that is developing:

  • Sensors
  • Wearables
  • Real time transmission of information
  • Device and information management through non-physical gesture (eye and voice interaction; mind control)
  • Robotics
  • AI

If interested please complete the application form and send it to Alexis Roy, Consul and Trade Commissioner (investment and innovation) by March 1, 2017.

Application can be found HERE