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Taiwanese Multinational Wistron Visits Toronto

An Executive Team from Taiwanese multinational, Wistron, will be visiting Canada with stops in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal during the week of Feb 13, 2017 (Feb 13-14 in Toronto). Wistron is seeking partnerships including JVs, equity investments and distribution in sectors of medical technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning and Big Data. Within the medical technology sector, they are open to all sub sectors with the exception of technologies used for invasive/transplant procedures.   
A meeting could be mutually beneficial if:

  • you are an early stage tech company and have a prototype to demonstrate, and are interested in forming joint ventures, or exploring design and manufacturing partnerships, OR
  • you are looking for investment, OR
  • you are an established company that’s looking to enter the Asia and other markets 

Interested ventures are asked to apply ASAP with an expression of interest by Jan 31 to Danyu Bai ( ) to discuss and secure a meeting.

Download the application template here