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Bioscience Industry Leaders Discuss Issues That Matter

On May 31, 2011 OBIO together with event sponsors, Sanofi, Torys, BDC and PWC hosted the Second Annual Quebec/Ontario Bioscience CEO dinner. The tradition started in 2010, to provide bioscience industry leadership with a unique opportunity to connect and discuss industry issues in a relaxed interacitve setting while enjoying a fine meal and refreshments. Building on last year’s positive word of mouth, the 2011 event was over-subscribed. This year, over 50 guests from across Canada came together at, ‘The Rosewater Supper Club’ in downtown Toronto for a cocktail reception before joining tablemates and embarking on the evening’s agenda.

The conversation was enriched by the perspectives of guests from British Columbia and Manitoba in addition to Québec and host province, Ontario. Attendees included industry leadership from therapeutic, device, diagnostic and healthcare IT companies, lawyers with sector and IP expertise; accountants with industry experience in programs such as SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program) and financial and capital market executives.

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