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OBIO Annual General Meeting 2018

  • Norton Rose Fulbright 200 Bay Street, Suite 3800 Toronto, ON, M5J 2T6 Canada (map)

OBIO Presents Nik Nanos

Chair of Nanos Research

Global Disruption:

How to Make Decisions in an Age When Truth and Data are No Longer Enough to Persuade

Keynote Speaker at OBIO Annual General Meeting

November 28, 2018 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm

OBIO is proud to present Nik Nanos, public opinion researcher and pollster for CTV News, the Globe & Mail and Bloomberg News as the keynote speaker at this year’s OBIO Annual General Meeting.

Mr. Nanos will be delivering a presentation, Global Disruption: How to Make Decisions in an Age When Truth and Data are No Longer Enough to Persuade , that scans recent global political experiences and explains the outsized influence of the margins.

His analysis will have direct application to your understanding of your market and your audience:

  • How to build trust when belief in traditional institutions is at an historic low

  • Avoid unforced errors in a time when communication is increasingly complex

  • How you can build a plan for the future when uncertainty and unpredictability dominate

As the head of one of Canada’s most distinguished research companies, Mr. Nanos will contextualize contemporary political issues and his public opinion research for health science industry leaders.

Speaker Bio:

Mr. Nanos is the pollster for CTV News, the Globe & Mail and Bloomberg News in Canada. Mr. Nanos’ recent book, The Age of Voter Rage, explores how the marginalized and the margins are rewiring democracy through populist style politics, small swings in voter sentiment and computational propaganda, and it was recently named a top 10 non-fiction bestseller among independent publishers in the United States. He is the Chairman of Nanos Research, the Chair of Carleton University Board of Governors and a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, November 28th, 2018

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Norton Rose Fulbright, Suite 3800

200 Bay St, Toronto, ON

Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower

Free for OBIO Members | $50 Non-Member Ticket  

Click here to reserve your seat

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Earlier Event: November 27
2018 Mitacs Awards, Nov 27
Later Event: December 4
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