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OBIO® Executive Exchange Series: Privacy Exposed!

As is common in technology, the pace of change is moving faster that society’s ability to address the social impacts of technological developments.  This is true of privacy.  Like it or not, technological innovation raises serious questions about privacy.  Privacy breaches can hurt people and your reputation.

But there’s good news.  Privacy doesn’t have to be a boat-anchor. Privacy is about common sense. Privacy is nothing more than good information management and good customer service.  You don’t have to trade privacy for technological innovation. You can have both.

In person over breakfast and by webinar, you will learn from the experts at Privacy Horizon:
•  the essentials related to privacy and the importance for your business, 
•  how to actively design, develop, deploy and operate privacy-friendly solutions, and
•  who cares about privacy including your customers, your Board and your existing and new investors.

Click here to register - Join us and ask your questions! 

About Privacy Horizon
Privacy Horizon is the home of the “Virtual Privacy Officer”, an online service that provides the training, tools and resources needed to enable start-up, small and medium sized organizations to build privacy and security into their products and services.  Coaching and professional services are available for those situations where objective outside help is required.  Privacy Horizon is backed by a team of nationally recognized privacy and security experts.  They have a special expertise in healthcare, the most challenging privacy environment.  They lead the pack in finding solutions to the privacy challenges facing entrepreneurial organizations.