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Spectral Announces Second Quarter Results

Aug 12, 2016 TORONTO - Spectral Medical Inc., (TSX:EDT) (OTCQX:EDTXF), a Phase III company developing the first treatment for patients with septic shock guided by a companion diagnostic, today announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2016.

Spectral is a Phase III company seeking U.S. FDA approval for its unique product for the treatment of patients with septic shock, Toraymyxin™ ('PMX"). PMX is a therapeutic hemoperfusion device that removes endotoxin, which can cause sepsis, from the bloodstream. Directed by the Company's Endotoxin Activity Assay (EAA™), the only FDA cleared diagnostic for the risk of developing sepsis, Spectral's EUPHRATES trial is the world's only active and most innovative Phase III study in the area of septic shock.

PMX has been approved for therapeutic use in Japan and Europe, and has been used safely and effectively on more than 150,000 patients to date. In March 2009, Spectral obtained the exclusive development and commercial rights in the U.S. for PMX, and in November 2010, signed an exclusive distribution agreement for this product in Canada. Approximately 350,000 patients are diagnosed with severe sepsis and septic shock in North America each year, representing a greater than $3 billion market opportunity for Spectral. Spectral is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol EDT, and on the OTCQX under the symbol EDTXF. For more information please visit

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