OBIO® News
Press Releases
OBIO® Reports
Based on a survey of industry leaders, supervisors and early-career talent who have been part of OBIO’s Health to Business Bridge (H2BB™) program, the report describes how H2BB™ has addressed the health science industry’s need for job ready talent.
The report is based on a comprehensive industry consultation with leaders from coast-to-coast, who provided their feedback on their experiences in 2020 and recommendations for how Canada’s health science industry can become a global leader in the bioeconomy.
Bridging the Talent Gap: Reporting on Year 2 describes the results of the first seven cohorts of early career talent that has completed the program.
OBIO’s 2019 report describes an early adopter model to facilitate the evaluation and adoption of innovative health technologies in Ontario health organizations.
OBIO’s report, Realizing the Promise of Health Care Innovation: Increasing Value for the Patient, Health System and Economy, was published in 2013 and is a product of the Ontario Bioscience Economic Strategy Team (OBEST®), an initiative launched by OBIO to address the challenges faced by Ontario’s human health technology and bioscience industry.